The Mountaintop smugglers were a criminal syndicate active during the Galactic Civil War era. Their organization was mainly composed of individuals involved in smuggling and the transportation of spice.
Following the Battle of Yavin around 0 BBY, a Human female named Janelle took the helm. They established a base of operations in the Gallo Mountains on Naboo, a planet located in the Mid Rim, not far from the city of Dee'ja Peak. Around 1 ABY, Janelle received a ring from Herman Pate to settle a debt. This ring was a family treasure that Vance Groten had previously lost to Herman Pate in a Sabacc match. Determined to reclaim his ring, Groten sent spacers to locate Janelle. These spacers killed Janelle and at least twenty-three other members of the organization at their mountain camp.
The Mountaintop smugglers made an appearance in the massively multiplayer online roleplaying game Star Wars Galaxies from 2003 until the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. The Mountaintop smugglers were incorporated into the game through the "Legacy Quest" as part of "Publish 25", also known as the "New Game Enhancements," released on November 15, 2005.