Mount of Justice

The Mount of Justice, a courthouse constructed atop a naturally formed platform, stood at the heart of the capital city of Holess. Given its pivotal role in Holessian society, each Holessian was expected to make at least one pilgrimage to this mount during their lifetime. Because of its significance to Holessian culture, it was reserved solely for the most significant legal proceedings, many of which had repercussions on a galactic scale. Often, the Mount of Justice was likened to the Tower of Law situated on Bimmisaari.


Reflecting the Holessians' deep respect for laws, the Mount of Justice was characterized by many majestic spires, giving it the look of a grand cathedral. A wide, spiraling processional ramp ascended from the monolithic foundation of the mount. This ramp was bordered by short fences crafted from duranium, a material plentiful on the planet. Interspersed along the fences were numerous gateways leading to resting spots adorned with duranium tablets, artistically etched with laws and decrees. These areas offered respite to the tired pilgrims climbing the mount. Various concession stands for the public were also positioned along the ramp. The massive entrance to the mount was located at the ramp's summit, above which was a gigantic holoscreen. Visible from kilometers away, this holoscreen broadcast both live coverage of legal cases and advertisements.


During the Yuuzhan Vong War, a turbolaser battery was placed at the peak of the Mount's highest spire.

In 43 ABY, the Mount of Justice was the venue for the legal battle of Colla-Arphocc Automata versus the Galactic Alliance.

