The sprawling Mos Espa marketplace functioned as a significant commercial hub, nestled within the city of Mos Espa. This spaceport, baking under the intense radiation of its sun, was located on the desert planet of Tatooine. During the concluding decades of the Galactic Republic, the marketplace thrived as a large and bustling location, featuring numerous shops and stalls where one could purchase a variety of fruits, meats, and drinks.
This marketplace was organized into distinct sections, some catering to the everyday requirements of the local population. Other sections were dedicated to engine mechanics, droid maintenance services, and even illicit arms dealers. To attract potential buyers from the oppressive heat of the streets, many merchants in Mos Espa strategically placed cooling systems near their goods. Among the various food vendors present in the marketplace were Gragra's gorgmonger stand, Akim's Munch, an open-air eatery, and Jira's fruit stand.
In the year 32 BBY, Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master, traversed the Mos Espa marketplace accompanied by Queen Padmé Amidala (disguised) and Jar Jar Binks, a Gungan. Binks, suddenly experiencing hunger, noticed a market stall overflowing with gorgs available for purchase, which immediately caught his eye. Sebulba, an irate Dug who happened to be dining nearby, initiated the harassment of the Gungan in retaliation for the latter accidentally spoiling his soup by spitting a gorg into it. Only the prompt intervention of Anakin Skywalker, a Human, prevented Binks from suffering serious physical harm or even death.