Mos Eisley barracks

The Mos Eisley barracks functioned as an outpost, managed by Foot Patrol 7. This unit was a sandtrooper contingent within the Galactic Empire. Situated on the arid fringes of the spaceport of Mos Eisley on the desert planet Tatooine, its purpose was to minimize contact with the indigenous population. Furthermore, the barracks was situated near the roaming Tusken Raiders as well as the bantha mammals.

In 0 BBY, the mission assigned to Foot Patrol 7 involved tracking down a pair of droids that possessed the technical readouts for the Death Star [superweapon]. These droids arrived on Tatooine after their escape from the Tantive IV starship. Upon their deployment to the planet, the unit took up residence in the outpost, awaiting further instructions. The unit remained inactive until their commander, Wanten, showed up and announced their assignment to search Mos Eisley for the droids, which caused them to prepare and head towards the spaceport.

Behind the scenes

The 2017 short story "Born in the Storm" featured the Mos Eisley barracks. Daniel José Older penned the story, which was included in From a Certain Point of View, a compilation of short stories written by a multitude of authors.

