Morana Fal

Morana Fal, a female from the planet of Ord Mantell, lived a life of crime. Her actions led to a death sentence, which was to be carried out through gladiatorial battles within the Soruus system. As part of this deadly game, she and other fighters were given a JX4 Gladiator Prototype battle armor for field testing. Thanks to sabotage that caused a distraction, Morana successfully fled the arena. Following her escape, she and her fellow escapees engaged in a series of heinous crimes against the galaxy's inhabitants. This prompted the Galactic Empire to initiate a manhunt for the group. Morana skillfully avoided capture by the Empire, and in doing so, she acquired a second JX4 armor to supplement the one she already possessed.

Subsequently, she found herself working for Boss Kaggle, a crime lord residing on Lanthrym. A group of adventurers attempted to apprehend her on Lanthrym, hoping to recover her battle armors and collect the 10,000 credits bounty that the Empire had placed on her. The bounty hunter Staven pursued Fal for nearly a year, eventually confronting her at a waterfront location on Ord Mantell. However, Staven retreated from the fight when it became apparent that Fal's armor gave her a significant advantage. Another hunter, Trityn, exploited Fal's tendency to frequent waterfront areas. During their encounter, Fal deployed her armor's conner net against Trityn; however, the bounty hunter managed to redirect it into the water, causing a short circuit that led to Fal's capture.


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