Mon Gazza Speedway, situated on Mon Gazza, served as a podracing venue and the second event within the Amateur Podracing Circuit. While experienced podracers found this course manageable, its concise design made it challenging for novices to recover from early setbacks.
The competition commenced with a straight path leading into a structure positioned at the track's core. Following a somewhat acute left turn, the racers navigated a broad expanse characterized by minimal obstructions, save for another central building acting as a separator. The route incorporated a hairpin turn and another straight section before veering left toward the starting grid.
Due to the track's brevity, victory hinged on establishing a significant lead over competitors. Racers were advised to prioritize rapid acceleration and precise handling.
Teemto Pagalies Lap Time: 00:16.072 Race Time: 00:51.081
- Another Amateur Circuit track: Spice Mine Run
- Semipro Circuit track: Zugga Challenge