Mon Calamari Inglenook

The Inglenook represented an extension of the Palace of the Republic, situated on Coruscant. Functioning as a relaxation area for Mon Calamari and other aquatic beings employed by the Galactic Republic, the Inglenook's location was directly on the Glitannai Esplanade. Even under the Galactic Empire's control, the Inglenook remained operational within the Palace and it also remained a functional part of the Palace under New Republic governance until the Yuuzhan Vong empire attacked the world. The Yuuzhan Vong brought about its destruction during their subsequent terraforming efforts on the planet.


During the era of the Galactic Republic, the Mon Calamari Inglenook was constructed as an addition to the Palace of the Republic. Built to resemble an enormous coral reef, the transparisteel walls of the expansive spa allowed sunlight to permeate the structure, creating a serene escape for aquatic species working within the Palace or elsewhere in the Coruscant government.

After the Galactic Empire was established, Emperor Palpatine permitted the Inglenook to continue operating, repurposing it as an exclusive spa for his Imperial subordinates. Following Palpatine's demise, when the New Republic captured the planet and expelled the Imperials, both the Palace and the Inglenook were reassigned for Republic usage. The Inglenook stayed open until 27 ABY, at which point it suffered destruction during the Yuuzhan Vong empire's onslaught on the planet.

