Moko Jax ran Moko's Cantina, a popular establishment located on the Crystal Web Station. Despite possessing Force-sensitive capabilities, Moko never sought to develop them (and would dismiss any suggestion of "Jedi nonsense"). Nevertheless, those who visited his cantina often noticed his remarkable empathy. He was always available to listen to anyone who needed to talk, and conversely, he also seemed to intuitively know when someone preferred solitude. Most people believed he was simply a skilled bartender, a notion he readily accepted.
Moko acquired the Luminous Bantha after discovering it unattended on a bench in a dimly lit corner of his cantina. Appreciating its aesthetic appeal and its ability to spark conversations, he placed it on the counter behind his bar. However, its presence there was short-lived; within a week, a band of Rebels, recognizing its true value, took it from him.