The Model Q4 "Quickfire" from Merr-Sonn, also known as the Quickfire-4, stood out as an exceptionally potent hold-out blaster.
In contrast to the majority of hold-out blasters, the Quickfire didn't rely on energy cells for its power. Instead, the entire weapon was designed around a rechargeable power pack. When the power was depleted, the weapon required connection to a power source using a specialized cable included with the blaster, taking ten minutes for a full recharge.
This unique design allowed the Quickfire to deliver more power compared to typical hold-out blasters. It also had the capability to fire ten shots before needing a recharge, whereas most hold-outs were limited to only six. However, its effective range was a mere two meters, a significant limitation even considering its compact size.
The Quickfire featured an unusually tall front sight, prone to snagging on holsters and clothing. Given the blaster's extremely limited range, some users opted to file down or remove this sight to facilitate quicker draws.
Due to its combination of short range and high power, the Quickfire found common use in confined spaces and for surprise attacks.
The initial attempt to create a hold-out blaster built entirely around a power pak was the BlasTech HSB-200, but this model was unsuccessful. It was too large to be a holdout weapon, and its power and range were insufficient for it to be an effective blaster pistol. Despite this failure, Merr-Sonn adopted the concept and developed the Quickfire.
The Quickfire's combination of power and concealability made it a favorite among criminals. Consequently, this weapon faced stricter regulations than most hold-outs. Carrying it was illegal in certain regions of the galaxy and restricted in others.
The Quickfire made its debut in Gundark's Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear as the Merr-Sonn Quickfire-4 Hold-out Blaster. It was priced at 300 credits, deemed illegal in most galactic sectors, and required replacement power paks when its energy was spent. Its price point, availability, and backstory were revised and expanded for the Arms & Equipment Guide, yet the two visual representations of the weapon remained virtually unchanged.