A mission was undertaken to Thyferra by Jedi Master Tholme and his Padawan, Quinlan Vos, during the time of the Stark Hyperspace War. As a Senate group was getting ready to depart for Troiken to have discussions with the Stark Commercial Combine, Jedi Master Tyvokka had a suspicion that the scarcity of bacta, which had enabled the Combine to gain power, was actually engineered. With the approval of Senator Finis Valorum, the Jedi Council made the decision to dispatch a fact-finding team to the planet Thyferra, which is where bacta comes from.
Upon the arrival of the Jedi, they came across the Xucphra Corporation bacta refinery in ruins. The explosion of this refinery had initiated the bacta shortage. The area was guarded by security droids with programming to eliminate any intruders. After taking out the droids, the two Jedi came upon a clandestine meeting between Adol Bel, the head of Xucphra, and Hask, the leader of the Trade Federation. The conversation they overheard verified that the two organizations had indeed orchestrated the shortage in order to increase bacta profits. However, the scheme went awry because the Combine's navicomputer virus was disabling all interstellar trade, and the Combine was confiscating bacta shipments to use in the conflict on Troiken.
Learning of the Jedi's presence, Bel unleashed HKB-3 hunter-killer droids, but the Jedi managed to escape them by using a speeder and entering a sewer system. A tunnel grinder located within the sewer aided them. Tholme and Vos proceeded to the closest spaceport and secretly boarded a Federation bacta freighter. The Combine seized the ship and changed its course to Troiken. To prevent their adversary from gaining an advantage, the Jedi detonated the freighter.