Mission to Sanjin

In the year 4 ABY, a short time before the pivotal Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance dispatched a Special Forces unit on a mission to the world of Sanjin.

The mission

In 4 ABY, a Special Forces squad from the Rebel Alliance undertook a secret operation on Sanjin. Among the participants was Lieutenant Ma'w'shiye, a highly decorated veteran of numerous Rebel campaigns.

For reasons that remain unclear, Ma'w'shiye betrayed his team, absconding with their designated escape vessel. His act of cold-blooded abandonment directly led to the execution of eleven Rebel operatives by the Galactic Empire; these operatives were vital to Alliance operations in the vicinity of the Core Worlds. The Alliance suffered greatly from Ma'w'shiye's treachery, enduring losses in lives and resources exceeding those of any comparable mission.


Following this incident, Ma'w'shiye became an enemy of his former allies. He made an unsuccessful attempt to assassinate his previous colleagues from Eclipse Team, who had since risen to the rank of officers within the New Republic. He did, however, succeed in killing other New Republic agents, including Candra, Klepish, and Saloor, along with at least seventy-two unaffiliated civilians. Analysts within the New Republic expressed surprise at the relatively low civilian death toll, given Ma'w'shiye's exceptional skill as a marksman, suggesting he could have inflicted far greater casualties had he chosen to do so.

New Republic Intelligence determined that Ma'w'shiye had not aligned himself with the Galactic Empire. Nevertheless, the New Republic declared him a threat to its personnel and offered a reward of 70,000 credits for his capture. A New Republic SpecForces team was subsequently assembled to locate and apprehend Ma'w'shiye, with the survivors of his assassination attempts placed in command.


Notes and references
