The Pasaana mission, also known as the raid at the Ancestors' Festival, was a Resistance operation during their war against the First Order. This mission culminated in a battle on the desert planet of Pasaana involving First Order forces and Chewbacca, Poe Dameron, Rey, Lando Calrissian, Finn, BB-8, and C-3PO.
Following Darth Sidious' transmission, Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, Chewbacca, BB-8, and C-3PO embarked on a quest to locate the Sith wayfinders. These ancient artifacts were vital for finding the planet Exegol and, ultimately, destroying Sidious and the Sith for good. The team's journey led them to Pasaana, the last known location visited by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker in his own search for a wayfinder.

Upon arriving on the arid world of Pasaana, the group encountered the indigenous Aki-Aki species and their Festival of the Ancestors, a celebration held every forty-two years. Attempting to remain unnoticed to avoid detection by First Order patrols, Rey encountered Nambi Ghima, who presented her with a husk necklace and inquired about her name. Rey identified herself as Rey, and when the youngling asked for a last name, Rey said she didn't have one. At that moment, she experienced a connection with Kylo Ren. During this connection, Ren revealed that Darth Sidious desired her death but that he had his own plans and would not serve another master. Rey confronted him about his actions against his father, Han Solo. Ren declared he would find another way to deliver her to Sidious, then he seized the necklace the young Aki-Aki had just gifted her.
Rey rushed over to Dameron and Finn, informing them of the need to leave immediately due to Ren's discovery of her presence. On their way out, they were confronted by First Order stormtrooper FN-2802, who attempted to alert other stormtroopers but was killed by a masked smuggler. The smuggler instructed them to follow him, leading them into a large vehicle and revealing himself as General Lando Calrissian, much to Chewbacca's delight. Calrissian informed them that General Leia Organa had sent him a message. However, their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the First Order. As they prepared to depart, Rey suggested that Organa needed pilots, but Calrissian claimed his flying days were over. Calrissian asked Rey to send his love to Leia, but Rey insisted he deliver it himself.
After locating skimmers for their escape, Dameron successfully hotwired two of them. As they fled the Festival, they were pursued by First Order jet troopers. In an attempt to shake them off, Rey, Chewbacca, Finn, and Dameron attempted evasive maneuvers, but their efforts were unsuccessful. They were forced to engage the jet troopers in combat while separated. Although they managed to defeat the jet troopers, they subsequently fell into quicksand. As they sank, Finn attempted to tell Rey something, but they were submerged before he could finish. Upon finding themselves in a hidden cave, Rey inquired about what Finn had been trying to say, but Finn hesitated to reveal it in front of Dameron, much to his annoyance.
They soon discovered the remains of the Sith assassin Ochi and his dagger. Recognizing the Sith language inscribed on it, they attempted to have C-3PO translate it, but he was unable to due to a programming restriction. Before they could proceed, they were attacked by a vexis. Finn and Dameron drew their Glie-44 blaster pistols to shoot the creature, but Rey used Force heal to mend the wounded beast, causing it to retreat and create an exit for them. Meanwhile, the Knights of Ren arrived on the planet's surface, searching for Rey and her companions. After leaving the cave, they headed to the Bestoon Legacy, a location Rey recognized from an unknown time.

Back at the ship, Rey sensed Kylo Ren's pursuit. She left to confront him, assuring Finn that she would return shortly. Venturing into the desert, she ignited her lightsaber and managed to sever the wing of his TIE/wi modified interceptor, causing it to crash. When Finn instructed Chewbacca to find Rey, Chewbacca was spotted by Knights of Ren Ap'lek and Kuruk, who captured him and turned him over to the First Order. Realizing that Chewbacca had been captured, Finn alerted Rey to the situation. Spotting a First Order transport departing, Rey used the Force to stop it. However, Ren, who had survived the crash, also used the Force on the ship. As Ren began to overpower her, Rey became enraged and, without understanding her abilities, unintentionally unleashed Force lightning, destroying the transport.
Horrified by the belief that she had killed her friend and shocked by her display of a Force power associated with the dark side of the Force, Rey stared in disbelief as the ship crashed. However, before Ren and his forces could capture her, Finn helped her back to the ship. The group fled from the approaching TIE/fo space superiority fighters.
After departing on the Bestoon Legacy, Rey, Finn, and Dameron discovered that C-3PO possessed the language within his memory. Resolving not to let Chewbacca's potential death be in vain, they decided to travel to Kijimi, where Poe knew an old ally who could extract the language from C-3PO. Meanwhile, the First Order seized the Millennium Falcon and the Sith dagger, transporting them to the Steadfast, where General Armitage Hux informed Allegiant General Enric Pryde that they had captured a valuable prisoner, Chewbacca, boasting that the Wookiee had flown with General Solo, which angered Chewbacca at the mention of his deceased friend.