Between the years of 0 BBY and 1 ABY, individuals belonging to the Rebel Alliance embarked on a quest to retrieve the Talisman, an item fashioned by the Galactic Empire. The Empire intended to lure the Alliance using fabricated stories about the Talisman's supposed ability to grant invisibility. Departing from an Alliance outpost situated within an asteroid field, aboard the transport ship known as the Millennium Falcon, the smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca, both allied with the Rebels, successfully obtained the Talisman. However, they discovered it emitted a sleeping virus that caused Humans to lose consciousness. As Solo was indeed a Human, his Wookiee co-pilot hung him upside down, as this was the only way to keep him alive by forcing blood to his brain.
After returning and barely avoiding a crash with the Rebel Base, Chewbacca piloted the Millennium Falcon to the Panna system. They were pursued by Rebel pilot Luke Skywalker along with his droids R2-D2 and C-3PO in a Y-wing starfighter. Upon reaching the moon Panna Prime, which was covered in water, both ships crashed. With their comlink rendered inoperable, Skywalker and the droids found themselves under attack by a native creature, only to be saved by the bounty hunter Boba Fett. Unbeknownst to them, Fett was working with Darth Vader of the Galactic Empire as part of a scheme to discover the location of the secret Rebel base.
Following Boba Fett's mount in the escape pod from their Y-wing, the Rebels made their way to the crashed Falcon. There, Skywalker witnessed Chewbacca destroying the Talisman. However, before it was destroyed, Skywalker, also being human, was infected with the sleeping virus. Fett recognized the virus as an Imperial weapon and departed for a nearby city to obtain a cure, reluctantly allowing Chewbacca to accompany him. In the city, Fett separated from Chewbacca and acquired the serum as promised, while also secretly communicating with Darth Vader.
After fighting off pursuing Imperial stormtroopers as they departed the city, the pair came back to the Falcon and gave the serum to the infected humans, saving their lives and waking them up. Solo, who knew Boba Fett, did not recognize the bounty hunter because of the effects of the sleeping virus. A grateful Skywalker offered to bring Fett to the Rebel base. However, the droids had intercepted the transmission between Vader and the bounty hunter, exposing Fett's betrayal. After he escaped using his jetpack, the Rebel group left Panna Prime on the Falcon.
Later, an edited recording of the mission was presented by Chewbacca to his son, Lumpawarrump, as a gift, while Imperial records of the event were marked as classified.