Following the Second Battle of Geonosis which occurred in 21 BBY, a mission was undertaken on the planet of Merj during the era of the Clone Wars. A team of direct action operatives from Republic Intelligence was assembled and personally led by Lieutenant Commander Orson Krennic of the Galactic Republic's Special Weapons Group. They traveled aboard the ship Good Tidings, piloted by the smuggler Has Obitt, to covertly enter a laboratory complex under the control of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The purpose of this operation was to seize three Morseerian scientists, with the intention of utilizing them in a critical prisoner exchange that was to take place on [Vallt].(/article/vallt) This exchange would also serve to neutralize a biological warfare risk posed to the clone troopers serving in the Grand Army of the Republic. Despite encountering unforeseen opposition from customs agents at the spaceport, the Republic team successfully extracted themselves and the captured scientists.