Mission to Jarnollen

A task to Jarnollen transpired amidst the Yavin blockade. Luke Skywalker together with Leia Organa were sent to Jarnollen to assess its suitability as a potential new Rebel headquarters. Unbeknownst to the rebels, this planet housed an Imperial training facility.

The Imperial presence became apparent when an Imperial patrol encountered their landed ship, obliterating it with proton grenades and deploying all available troops to hunt down the Rebels.

After communication was lost with Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, General Jan Dodonna declined to dispatch any reinforcement ships to breach the blockade and save the two rebel scouts. Consequently, Han Solo resolved to journey to Jarnollen aboard his own vessel.

Jarnollen system The Millennium Falcon making its escape from the Jarnollen system. Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa spent the majority of the night and the subsequent dawn evading an Imperial AT-AR, before they were rescued by Han Solo aboard the Millennium Falcon. During their escape from the Jarnollen system, the Millennium Falcon sustained damage, forcing the rebels to seek refuge on the closest planet, Ord Mantell.

