Mission to Devaron

In the year 22 BBY, a group of Jedi, specifically a task force including Aayla Secura, Kit Fisto, An'ya Kuro, and Masters Tholme along with T'ra Saa, received the assignment to look into the Confederacy's attacks on Republic supply ships operating close to the Corellian Trade Spine.

The mission

With the assistance of Senator Elsah, who tipped off her longtime friend T'ra Saa about the raiders' presence, they determined that Devaron was the location of the raiders' headquarters. Before she could reveal the identity of the double-crosser collaborating with the Separatists, Aurra Sing murdered Elsah. Aayla, Tholme, and the Dark Woman then landed on the planet, while Kit and T'ra Saa remained in orbit. Tholme's group adopted disguises, with Aayla posing as a rich twi'lek's daughter and the others as her servants, and they took up residence with the senator, Vien'sai'Malloc.

The Dark Woman and Tholme attempted to locate the base, but were ensnared in a trap laid by Aurra Sing. Vien'sai'Malloc was revealed to be the traitor, and she disclosed the location of the raider's base to Aayla. Aayla departed to find it, only to encounter Aurra Sing. Aurra tried to use the captured Jedi Masters as a distraction against Aayla, but Secura prevailed and imprisoned her on Oovo IV.

