The Mission to Bothawui can be described as a conflict that occurred during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
After discovering that Bothan spies had given the treacherous Moff Kalast the intelligence regarding the Death Star which he then passed to the Rebellion, the Emperor Palpatine decided to personally inflict punishment upon the Bothans for their act of betrayal.

Once on Bothawui, the Emperor was greeted by Bothan officers, who were promptly executed by the Dark Lord's Force lightning. Accompanied by his Royal Guard unit, the Sith proceeded into the city, where Palpatine used Force corrupt to brainwash a number of Bothans and then began destroying Bothan assets.
Ultimately, all of the corrupted Bothans were betrayed and eliminated. Later, the Bothans informed Palpatine that the Death Star plans would be transmitted to the corvette known as the Tantive IV located in the Tatoo system. Darth Vader then gathered his forces and moved the fleet towards Tatooine.
This particular engagement was featured as the eleventh mission within the Imperial campaign of the 2006 video game titled Star Wars: Empire at War.