In the initial phase of the Cold War, General Elin Garza of the Galactic Republic gave the order for Havoc Squad—the most skilled unit within the Republic Special Forces Division—to undertake a doomed mission on Ando Prime, aiming to disrupt an Imperial military advance.
Garza viewed the undertaking as absolutely essential, and because she was concerned about Sith spies, she felt she could not disclose the details of the operation to the Senate. Regrettably, the squad met a far larger opposing force than anticipated and were compelled to request immediate extraction. However, before Garza was able to initiate a rescue, the Republic Senate found out about the mission and brought it to an abrupt end. The Senators saw the mission as a breach of the Treaty of Coruscant, and refused to allow her to risk restarting the conflict with the Empire.
Without any support, the squad found themselves abandoned deep within enemy territory, although they did eventually make it back to Republic space. Nevertheless, the event had a profoundly negative impact on the team, with numerous members feeling that the Galactic Republic had abandoned them. Commander Jek Kardan promptly stepped down from his position and his fellow squadmates, now under the leadership of Kardan's protege, Harron Tavus, contemplated not only leaving their posts, but also joining the Sith.