Mission to Alzoc III

The Mission to Alzoc III was a task assigned to Luminara Unduli and Aayla Secura that took place on the planet of Alzoc III during the era of the Clone Wars. It involved a carefully planned trap set by the Separatist leader, Count Dooku, using his assassin Asajj Ventress to target Republic forces.


During the time of the Clone Wars, the planet was considered to be within the domain of the Hutt crime lord known as Jabba Desilijic Tiure. During the Battle of Ryloth, Alzoc III briefly gained significance for both factions involved in the conflict. Cad Bane, a bounty hunter, had absconded with the Gravitic Core from a new Separatist superweapon that was in orbit above the planet. This theft resulted in the Munificent-class star frigate carrying the core being struck by an explosion. The [frigate](/article/frigate-legends] subsequently crashed onto Alzoc, where the gravitic technology created an unusual gravity field, causing the wreckage and surrounding ice fragments to float in the air near the crash site. Soon after, Jabba informed the Galactic Republic about the CIS activity occurring near the planet, with the intention of punishing the Separatists for traversing his territory without providing the customary payment. In response, the Jedi High Council dispatched Jedi Masters Aayla Secura and Luminara Unduli to conduct an investigation into the matter.

Luminara Unduli, Gree, Bly, Aayla Secura and clone troopers on Alzoc III.

Accompanied by a contingent of the Grand Army of the Republic under the command of clone marshal commander CC-5052 and clone trooper commander CC-1004, the two Jedi arrived on Alzoc and deployed several All Terrain Tactical Enforcers to the planet's surface. However, by this point, the crash site had already been visited by Asajj Ventress, a Confederate assassin and Dark Acolyte serving Count Dooku. Dooku, seeking to maintain the secrecy of the new gravitic weapon, tasked Ventress with eliminating all traces of the incident and ensuring no witnesses survived. Upon the arrival of the Republic forces at the crash site, both the Jedi and the clone troopers were taken aback by the sight of massive ice formations and numerous starship components suspended in the air. They proceeded to investigate the phenomenon. They soon encountered numerous battle droids who had survived the crash in relatively good condition and now viewed the Republic forces as enemies. While en route to the remains of the frigate's central computer, the Jedi were ambushed by the Dathomirian assassin. In the ensuing brief duel, the two Jedi Masters gained the upper hand against the Dark Acolyte, ultimately trapping her beneath a large mass of ice. After locating the ship's computer, the Republic forces were able to access the records of the ship's final moments, thereby uncovering the existence of the gravitic weapon.

