Micah (Cathar)

Micah, who possessed cybernetic legs crafted by Nat himself, was the adopted Cathar child of Nat Skywalker (then known as "Bantha" Rawk) and Droo. During the Second Imperial Civil War, he was also the step-sibling of Ahnah and Skeeto.


Once enslaved, Micah's liberation came at the hands of Nat Skywalker, who was then going by the name "Bantha Rawk". Tragically, the damage to Micah's legs was irreversible. Although Droo, Nat's wife, used healing through the Force to aid the afflicted Cathar as much as possible, replacing his original legs with cybernetic replacements became necessary.

Micah participated in the defense of the Nest against Black Sun forces, fighting alongside his family. Displaying remarkable skill as a pilot, he skillfully maneuvered a speeder, causing a swoop to crash into a wall. The Mynock, piloted by Cade Skywalker, Jariah Syn, and Deliah Blue, also provided assistance to his family. After a mere four days, Micah and his family enjoyed some time together outdoors. Later, while watching holonews about the Massacre on Mon Calamari, Cade revealed his Skywalker lineage. Subsequently, Micah and his family, with the exception of his father, relocated to Kiffu.

Behind the scenes

Jan Duursema mentioned Micah as "Micah Skywalker" on TheForce.net's message boards at one point. However, this name has not appeared in any canonical material to date, and because Micah did not know of his adoptive father's heritage, it is still merely speculation.

