Meysen Kayson, a business magnate, established and presided over the Greel Wood Logging Corporation, responsible for the harvesting of greel wood from both Pii III and Pii IV. Furthermore, Kayson gave his support to the Rebel Alliance. His real estate holdings were extensive, encompassing properties on locations such as Ord Mantell, Kemal Station, Cloud City, Cranan 12, and even the Austan Asteroid Cluster. Beyond his involvement with greel wood production, he also had ownership of Galactic Recreational Equipment Industries alongside seven additional enterprises, all functioning under the banner of MK Enterprises. He also held partial ownership in the Kwenn Space Station.
During the Empire's rise, Kayson actively avoided the Imperials following his strong opposition to Palpatine's ascension to the position of Emperor. After the payment of several penalties and the issuance of a formal public apology, he was authorized to resume his customary business operations. He maintained a friendship with Xenon Nnaksta, whom he employed within his organization. Kayson engaged in discussions with Nnaksta regarding the Rebel Alliance, likely playing a role in influencing Nnaksta's decision to join their cause. Kayson also developed a friendship with Kassar Kosciusko after Kosciusko was responsible for saving Kayson's life on Pernam Minor.
In the time period of Decades prior to the Battle of Yavin, Kayson, while visiting the Mos Eisley Spaceport on Tatooine, encountered an orphaned alien child whose species was unknown. Moved by the plight of the famished infant, he chose to take the nameless child into his care, raising him as if he were his own son, and providing him with the skills necessary for business, in addition to instruction in weapons handling and gun-running. As the child grew into adulthood, he adopted the name of Kayson and established Kayson's Weapons Shop, which Meysen Kayson himself would occasionally manage when the need arose.