Methias Yoran

Methias Yoran, a Human of male gender, held a position within the Imperial Diplomatic Service throughout both the Cold War and the Galactic War which saw conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. As a capable diplomat, he was directly involved in accepting the allegiance of thirty separate worlds over the course of his extensive service, and he played a crucial role in forging the alliance linking the Empire with the Chiss Ascendancy. During the period of the Cold War, he was stationed on the planet Voss, where he dedicated a number of years to the pursuit of an alliance with the indigenous Voss. Darth Tormen sent a bounty hunter to collaborate with Yoran in order to assassinate General Thelonia Redrish.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of Methias Yoran was in the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, developed by BioWare. He features as part of the Bounty Hunter class storyline on Voss. If the Bounty Hunter consistently chooses dark side dialogue options, they have the ability to persuade Ambassador Yoran to end his own life upon their departure from Voss.

