Meridian Complex

The Meridian Complex, a shipyard situated on the surface of the planet Corellia, was constructed following the Galactic War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire. During the renewed conflict, the Sith Empire's assault focused primarily on this location, leading to a decisive battle.


Positioned along the coast of Coronet City, the Meridian Complex stood as an immense and towering shipyard. Its structure comprised lengthy corridors, resembling a metallic maze that converged at the central production spire. Tharan Cedrax, an engineer, designed the complex, with rumors suggesting its design drew inspiration from the advanced technologies of Iokath. Upon completion, it demonstrated the capability to manufacture warships at a rate three times faster than comparable shipyards, while consuming significantly less energy. The shipyard's components were derived from salvaged ships of the Eternal Empire, and Cedrax's design earned him the Silver Quasar Award for Excellence in Engineering.


Its completion coincided with the beginning of the galactic conflict between the Galactic Republic and the [Sith Empire](/article/sith_empire_(post%e2%80%93great_hyperspace_war)]. The Empire perceived it as a considerable threat, resulting in it becoming the site of a decisive confrontation in 3627 BBY.

Behind the scenes

The ultimate destiny of the Meridian Complex hinges on the player's chosen allegiance throughout the "Jedi Under Siege" and "Onslaught" storylines. A player loyal to the Empire has the option to disable the shields, paving the way for the Empire's destruction of the complex. Conversely, a Republic-aligned player can raise the shields, ensuring the complex's survival. Players adopting a saboteur role can influence their own faction's outcome by selecting either option.

