Meltch Krakko

Meltch Krakko was a male Human Mandalorian of the Death Watch, and he previously served as an instructor at the Orsis Academy before departing to rejoin his clan. Using his Darth Sidious persona, Palpatine convinced Krakko to go back to the Academy to assist in refining the combat abilities of a young Darth Maul. During a harsh training session, Krakko learned that Maul possessed Force-sensitivity and devised a scheme to have Maul captured by Nightsisters and slavers, with the intent of potentially eliminating him. Maul overcame all attempts on his life, then returned to eliminate everyone at Orsis Academy following Sidious's commands. Upon entering Headmaster Trezza's office, soaked in blood, he evaded all of Krakko's blaster fire, seized the Mandalorian by the neck with his bare hands, snapping his neck and tossing his lifeless body into the hearth.

Talents and abilities

Meltch Krakko was clad in the well-known gray Mandalorian battle armor and had a reputation for battling Jedi; his skill was so great that Sidious regarded him as the most skilled. Krakko once rendered a young Maul unconscious with a single blow, but some years later, he was easily defeated by Maul's focused fury.

