Meirm City, considered the core of Weequay tradition, functioned as the primary city on the planet of Sriluur. It sat along the Copper Coast, bordering the caustic waters of the Meirm Sea.
Due to its coastal location, a copper-tinged fog frequently enveloped the city in the early hours. This fog, a mixture of sea spray and irritating chemicals, posed a threat to the skin of delicate species. If not cleansed before noon, it left behind a distinctive copper-colored residue. Meirm City served as the hub of Weequay culture on Sriluur, and a significant portion of the planet's commerce passed through it.
Notably, Meirm City housed the Meirm Speeder Emporium, a vehicle dealership situated on the city's edge and managed by Torsha Dawun. Furthermore, it was the site of Gricul Salvage Yards, a renowned repair facility under the ownership of Xizor Transport Systems.
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the city became the target of an attack by the Yuuzhan Vong.
According to Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds, Al-Campur is identified as Sriluur's "administrative center." Nevertheless, various other sources identify Meirm City as the planet's capital. In Last Call at Leatherback's, a typographical error results in the name being rendered as "Meim City" on one occasion.