A throwaway Medical Droid was conceptualized and built by the Mon Calamari trio, Hunter, and Sprocket, specifically for the Hunters of the Outer Rim tournament held on Vespaara. These compact, hovering droids were designed to carry and dispense a bacta mixture to the participating Hunters within the Grand Arena during their competitions. Positioned above Sprocket and his allies, these droids utilized six spigots located on their underside to spray Bacta, providing immediate healing to anyone nearby. Once their Bacta supply was depleted, the medical droids were programmed to self-destruct.
The Medical Droid made its initial debut in the canonical video game Star Wars: Hunters. NaturalMotion's BossAlien developed the game, and Zynga released it as a soft launch in certain regions on November 16, 2021, preceding its worldwide launch on June 4, 2024. When Sprocket was added to the game on February 11, 2022, the droid became part of his set of abilities. Nevertheless, following a significant overhaul of Sprocket's ability set in the game's fifth season, "Scum and Villainy," both the droid and its associated gameplay element were subsequently removed.