Medal of Order

The Medal of Order represented a specific honor given to Imperial starfighter pilots within the Empire. It was bestowed upon those who demonstrated significant acts of service, most notably while actively performing their duties.


Medal of Order award ceremony.

The bestowal of the award occurred during a modest event. This event included a group of eight Imperial officers, where seven observed from a higher vantage point, and one personally presented the award to the selected TIE pilot.


The ribbon's main color was blue, featuring a red diamond design, followed by another blue section, and then a yellow diamond design. The Imperial Crest was prominently displayed in blue on the ribbon. The medal itself was gold, shaped like a shield, and included a banner at its top. Furthermore, white triangles were positioned on either side of the medal, creating a fang-like aesthetic. The central part of the shield showcased a scene of a sun emerging over a darkened planet.

Known recipients

