The Maw Irregular Fleet, a fleet under the command of Admiral Natasi Daala, participated in the Second Galactic Civil War.
This fleet received its moniker from the Maw Installation, which had served as Daala's base while she was under the orders of Grand Moff Tarkin. After her escape in the Scylla following the Black Fleet Crisis, Daala spent years in seclusion behind the Maw, where she assembled this fleet.
Although primarily made up of older vessels, the fleet possessed unique and lethal weaponry, most notably Metal-Crystal Phase Shifters. It played a crucial role at the Second Battle of Fondor in 41 ABY, shifting the battle's momentum away from Jacen Solo. Following this engagement, the fleet acquired the Star Destroyer Bloodfin, which had been the flagship of the deceased Gilad Pellaeon. Soon thereafter, Daala and her Maw Irregular Fleet allied themselves with the Jedi Coalition and were involved in the Second Battle of Roche later that same year.
Following the conclusion of the Second Galactic Civil War, Natasi Daala assumed the position of Chief of State within the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. The fleet was then kept out of the public eye until it was deemed necessary, however, due to the high price of the Metal-Crystal Phase Shifters, they were removed from all ships. In 44 ABY, the fleet was called into action again when Daala was apprehended after a successful coup established the first Triumvirate of the Galactic Alliance. After being freed by the bounty hunter Boba Fett, Daala reactivated the fleet and brought it to the Exodo system, where it linked up with additional Imperial Remnant starships from Moffs whom she had either blackmailed or intended to wrest control of the Remnant from Head of State Jagged Fel. However, due to Moff Tol Getelles' covert allegiance to Fel, the fleet and its Remnant reinforcements were ambushed within the system. Jagged Fel had gathered a fleet consisting of loyal Imperial Remnant vessels, along with the Vanguard of the Empire of the Hand, which was widely believed to have been disbanded or destroyed after the Yuuzhan Vong War. The ensuing Battle over Exodo II resulted in significant ship losses for both sides. The usurpers attempted to eliminate Jagged Fel by destroying the Gilad Pellaeon, which served as his command ship. This attempt failed, as the Imperial Head of State was successfully transferred to the Bloodfin, once again ensuring his safety aboard the former flagship.
The fleet included the following vessels:
- Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Chimaera (Flagship)
- 1 Acclamator-class assault ship
- 1 Venator-class Star Destroyer
- 1 Victory-class Star Destroyer
- 2 Republic-class cruisers
- Scimitar-class frigates
- 2 Crusader-class corvettes
- Assassin-class corvettes
- TIE/LN starfighters
- A variety of starfighter models from different periods