Mavvan Conflict

The Mavvan Conflict encompasses a number of battles that transpired between the Galactic Empire and insurgent groups between the years of 19 and 15 BBY. A key event during this conflict was the Empire's deployment of a biological agent, specifically the rooze germ. This agent resulted in fatalities among Imperial forces at a rate comparable to that of the rebels. Consequently, the Empire abandoned any future use of the Rooze germ. Koboks who distinguished themselves through valor during the Mavvan Conflict, immune to the disease, were given the Koboth Insurgent Mantle as a reward. The conflict's aftermath included the establishment of the Kobothi S-Corps and the solidification of the species' image as skilled fighters, which contributed to the Empire's decision to cease employing the rooze virus in biological warfare.

Gaff, a Kobok assassin, was observed wearing an Koboth Insurgent Mantle. However, it remained unclear if he had legitimately earned the mantle through service or if he had instead obtained it from a veteran who had participated in the Mavvan Conflict. It shares a name with the Mavva system.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of the Mavvan Conflict occurred in "The Frozen Citadel," which served as the thirteenth and final episode of the Star Wars Legends animated series Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO. This episode was initially broadcast on November 30, 1985. While the sourcebook Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds presented the conflict's title as "Mavvan," the DVD subtitles accompanying Treasure of the Hidden Planet rendered it as "Maven."

