Matton Dasol was a Human male starship technician. In 3956 BBY, he was an indentured servant working on Kashyyyk for Eli Gand.
Dasol toiled for Eli Gand to settle a debt that his crew had accumulated while visiting the Wookiee homeworld. Gand told Dasol that his crew had abandoned him on Kashyyyk without settling their financial obligations, thus stranding him. Gand then compelled him to work off the debt, citing "standard trading rules." However, the merchant had actually deceived Dasol's crew, leading them to believe that valuable salvage awaited them in the arboreal world's Shadowlands. This turned out to be a deadly trap, as Eli ambushed and murdered them.
When Revan and his companions arrived on Kashyyyk, seeking the Star Maps that would reveal the location of the Star Forge, they came across Gand and Dasol's small trading post. The two men vaguely described the circumstances of Dasol's "employment," prompting Mission Vao to comment that the situation "smelled worse than an overcrowded Ronto stable." As the group explored the planet in their search, they eventually discovered the remains of Dasol's repair droid, D-A02. Its barely-functional memory contained evidence of Gand's betrayal. Upon returning the droid's head to Dasol, the full extent of Gand's crime was revealed, and Gand fled into the Shadowlands. Dasol then assumed control of the business to earn enough credits to leave Kashyyyk. Shortly thereafter, the Wookiees launched a rebellion, expelling all outsiders from the planet.
After Gand's treachery is exposed, the player has a choice: they can either persuade Dasol to kill Gand for his deceit, or simply allow the former merchant to escape into the Shadowlands. Regardless of the decision, Dasol will take over the business and reward Revan with credits and a small discount. If the player encourages Dasol to let Gand's stand rot, Dasol states he will take what he needs from the store, and let the rest rot like a corpse. Dasol then gives the player a Mandalorian assault rifle.