
Sub-Prefect Matagorn, a male being, was an employee of Imperial Prefect Ursellis during the Galactic Empire's time. When Ursellis started handing out a lot of Legal Authorization for Advanced Confinement Document forms to take care of her enemies, Matagorn was tasked with managing those LAAC documents. He grumbled about how much work he had and having to interact with the Srrors'tok bounty hunter named Tyionsis Cex. Matagorn showed his annoyance to Cex, and after joking that Cex was the "LAACkey" of Imperial High Inquisitor Antinnis Tremayne, he made the hunter mad. Some days later, Cex caught Matagorn while he was on holiday and killed him. His body parts were later discovered in different places like Gevis City and Verdson. Later on, Sub-Prefect Helkson Vall told Intel Agent 438432 the story of how Matagorn died.

