Matacorn, situated within the Matacorn system in the Lambda sector of the Mid Rim, was a terrestrial world. This unremarkable trade planet served as the homeworld for the Human individual named Hurst Romodi. The name Matacorn was also used to refer to the Matacorn campaign during the period of the Galactic Civil War.
The mention of the Matacorn campaign in "Irrefutable Logic," a short story included in the Heroes & Rogues sourcebook (1995) by Paul Sudlow and Rick Stuart for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, marked the initial introduction of Matacorn. The 2009 publication The Essential Atlas located the Matacorn system at coordinates P-15, while the 2012 book The Essential Guide to Warfare, by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart, definitively established Matacorn as a specific planet.