Massacres on Iakar

During the Clone Wars, the Iakaru people experienced a devastating massacre. After putting up a strong fight, they were ultimately compelled to surrender when Degan Explorations discovered valuable chemical compounds on their planet, Iakar.


Prior to the Clone Wars, the Iakaru enjoyed a peaceful existence. During this period of pan-galactic conflict, Degan Explorations conducted scouting missions within the Iakar system and unearthed chemical compounds of significant value for bacta replication, among other applications. Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals, the parent company, established a research facility on the planet. However, transmissions detailing this discovery were intercepted by rival pharmaceutical corporations, including Fabreth Medical and Merisee Prime, who swiftly set up their own installations.

Massacres and surrender

The Iakaru mounted a fierce defense of their homeworld and forests following these corporate incursions. Despite their valiant efforts, they were eventually overpowered by the security forces of these corporations, resulting in widespread massacres. In some instances, entire tree-clan communities were forcibly relocated by corporate entities. Ultimately, the Iakaru were forced to surrender, ceding control of desired territories and retreating deeper into the forests.


Several years after the establishment of the Galactic Empire, a fully equipped Imperial occupation force was deployed to Iakar. This deployment was prompted by the rise of insurgent activity across the galaxy. The Empire's objective was to secure a large supply of medical resources for their forces by occupying Iakar. This led to the Iakaru being pushed further into the forests, eventually compelling them to either engage Imperial forces in combat or flee their homeworld.

Behind the scenes

The Iakar massacres were initially referenced in Dawn of Rebellion, a canon roleplaying sourcebook from 2018 that draws inspiration from Star Wars Rebels and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Fantasy Flight Games published the book, which was written by John Dunn, Tom Sorenson, Sterling Hershey, Jonathan Julius, Keith Ryan Kappel, Tim Huckelberry, Jason Marker, and James M. Spahn.


  • Dawn of Rebellion (First mentioned)

Notes and references
