Manon Flint, a governor, was the Imperial representative overseeing the Oon Tien system within the Kathol sector of the Outer Rim Territories. This occurred in 8 ABY. After Moff Kentor Sarne, a warlord, was compelled to withdraw from his capital on Kal'Shebbol due to the New Republic forces, he instructed Flint to defend Oon Tien's large spacedock facilities at all costs. Should capture by the New Republic be imminent, she was to destroy them.
Flint's service was initially with the Galactic Empire, and later with the warlord empire of Moff Kentor Sarne. At some point, Flint received the appointment of governor for the planet Oon Tien and the surrounding system. This system was located inside the Kathol sector of the Outer Rim Territories. The world functioned as a construction and maintenance center for Moff Sarne's forces, and it had three large spacedocks. Defenses were strong, including IPV-1 System Patrol Craft, TIE/LN starfighters, and proton mines. In 8 ABY, New Republic forces removed from power Moff Sarne from his capital of Kal'Shebbol, and he retreated into the Kathol sector. As he retreated, Sarne commanded Governor Flint to either maintain control of Oon Tien's stardocks at any cost, or destroy them to prevent their capture by the New Republic should they invade the system.
Flint was a capable administrator. She could manage the day-to-day operations of a planetary system, and the extensive orbital facilities that surrounded the planet. Sarne had confidence in Flint's ability to remain at her assigned post and follow orders.
Manon Flint was noted in The DarkStryder Campaign, a RPG supplement released by West End Games in 1995. The mention was as background information concerning the deployment of Imperial forces in the Kathol sector.