
Malidris functioned as the capital of Iridonia, designated as a city of great importance.


Capital Square viewed from Luke Skywalker's chambers.

The governing Zabrak council of the world resided in Malidris, and honored visitors were accommodated in residences close to the Capital Square.

Luke Skywalker, representing the New Republic as an ambassador, once journeyed to the city. His mission involved facilitating new trade routes to the Outer Rim Territories, but he became deeply involved in an inquiry concerning a strange ghostly figure purported to be the late Sith Lord Darth Maul.

Skywalker, following the apparition with its potent connection to the Force, discovered the laboratory of Drell Kahmf. Kahmf, a deranged Zabrak scientist, asserted he had rescued Maul's brain and was employing it with a solid-state hologram to aid Maul in seeking vengeance and reclaiming his honor. Disgusted by this experimentation, Skywalker deactivated the device sustaining the brain.

