During the Cold War, a Human female named Malea Janarus lived. She was married to Dorian Janarus, who held the position of Senator representing Coruscant. Later, Dorian Janarus became the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic until the year 3640 BBY.

Malea Janarus's character is featured in the "The Nathema Conspiracy" flashpoint under specific conditions: if the Commander is playing as a Bounty Hunter and chose to either kill Supreme Chancellor Janarus or hand him over to Darth Tormen near the conclusion of their class narrative. Should this occur, Malea seeks vengeance and allies herself with the Order of Zildrog, which is under the leadership of Vinn Atrius. Ultimately, she is used as a sacrifice to awaken Zildrog by GEMINI 16 on Nathema. Conversely, if the player chooses a light side path and spares the Chancellor, Sith Lord Vindis takes Malea Janarus's place. Other character classes will encounter antagonists from their respective storylines.