A woman with blond hair, Mahd Windcaller served as a member of the Interim Ruling Council.
Mahd Windcaller, recognized for her scheming and manipulative nature, directed a widespread news organization and had been a loyal backer of the Galactic Empire from its inception. Her news agency served the Empire as a source of intelligence. Furthermore, she possessed expertise in the Echani martial art and led a group of female bodyguards devoted to its practice.
Mahd played a role as one of the originators of Carnor Jax's scheme to undermine Palpatine's cloning efforts. After the death of the Emperor, she gained membership in Jax's Interim Ruling Council. As an Imperial with a broad perspective, she cultivated friendships with multiple nonhuman members of the council, including Norym Kim. When Xandel Carivus dissolved the council to govern as Emperor, Mahd was incarcerated.
After Carivus' demise, Mahd, alongside the other council members who had been arrested, were taken into the care of the New Republic.
Mahd Windcaller's visual design drew inspiration from Lucy Autrey Wilson, who held the position of Director of Publishing at Lucasfilm.