Here is a look inside the M'dweshuui Stronghold
The M'dweshuui Stronghold existed as a cave on the Naboo world, situated within the Mid Rim. This cave, which served as a compound for the Cult of M'dweshuu during the Galactic Civil War time, was positioned southeast of the Lake Retreat at the base of the Gallo Mountains. Sometime after the Battle of Yavin which occured in 0 BBY, a mercenary working for the Azure Cabal launched an assault on the stronghold utilizing Emberlene Essence. As a result, the Nikto cult members were under the impression that the Mistryl Shadow Guard were attacking them.
The M'dweshuui Stronghold appeared as a location within Star Wars Galaxies, the 2003 video game that was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. LucasArts published the game, while Sony Online Entertainment developed it; the game was later shut down on December 15, 2011. The "Chapter 6" update, released on May 22, 2007, incorporated the M'dweshuui Stronghold into the game through the Azure Cabal questline.