Lyrre T'enna was a zoologist who was active during the golden age of the New Republic. For a considerable number of years, she journeyed from one planet to another, meticulously studying the behavior and physical attributes of numerous wild, non-sentient beings, documenting her findings in her personal field journal. Throughout her travels, T'enna conducted research on a variety of planets and inhabited moons, notably including Bespin, Coruscant, Dagobah, Endor, Hoth, Naboo, Tatooine, and Yavin 4. Due to the destruction of the once-beautiful world of Alderaan by the Galactic Empire in 0 BBY, the zoologist was unable to study that planet firsthand, and instead utilized the resources of the Holographic Zoo of Extinct Animals. Ultimately, Lyrre T'enna's original field journal was adapted and transformed into a published version, a collaborative effort with the Intergalactic Zoological Society.
The name "Lyrre T" spelled in reverse reveals Terryl, the given name of Terryl Whitlatch, the actual author of The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide and also a creature concept artist involved in the production of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.