Luptoom, a planet in the Outer Rim Territories, was situated within the Seswenna sector. The Human inhabitants of this planet, known as Luptoomians, were distinguished by their unique clothing styles. During the Separatist Crisis, Nar Hida, a Luptoomian, established a fashion store on the world of Coruscant.
After his business failed and closed down, Hida, along with his family, sought to return home to Luptoom aboard the freighter called the Jendirian Valley. Their success was only made possible through a fortunate meeting with Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala, who guided them toward the assistance offered by the Refugee Relief Movement.
Within the Outer Rim Territories' Seswenna sector, the Luptoom system contained a planet named Luptoom. Notably, the planet's name was also used for Luptoomian dressing, a sauce used in a salad served at Dex's Diner on Coruscant, a planet in the Core Worlds.

Around the time of the Separatist Crisis, Nar Hida, a Luptoomian, decided to leave his home on Luptoom and travel to Coruscant with his wife and daughter. Once there, Hida opened a fashion boutique featuring Luptoomian styles; however, the business was soon shuttered due to a lack of sales.
In 22 BBY, the Hida family, who were almost entirely without creditless, boarded the freighter called the Jendirian Valley with the intention of returning to Luptoom. However, they discovered that the freighter would only travel halfway to their destination, potentially leaving them stranded far from home. Aboard the ship, they happened to meet Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala—a Jedi and a Republic Senator traveling in disguise. Hida was then instructed by Amidala to contact the Refugee Relief Movement when the Jendirian Valley stopped at Naboo, a planet in the Mid Rim. This organization then assisted the struggling entrepreneur and his family in their return to Luptoom.
Luptoom's backstory was created as part of the development of Nar Hida, an initially unnamed character who appeared in the 2002 prequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Gregory Walker, under the pseudonym "NarbFlick," submitted a story for Hida through the "What's The Story?" feature on Hyperspace. This story was subsequently added to the site's Databank on September 28, 2006.
Walker later stated that the "goofy-sounded" name of Luptoom had "no story behind" it and that it was simply "dreamed" up during the writing of Hida's entry. The author also expressed a desire for Luptoom to be located near the world of Almak, which Walker also created through "What's The Story?". The Essential Atlas, a reference book from 2009, placed the Luptoom system, and therefore the planet Luptoom, in grid square M-18, while locating the Almak system in the Mid Rim, within grid square J-17.
- "Nar Hida: The Story Behind the Story" — Narb Flick Created Leffingites — Gregory Walker's Blog (content now obsolete; backup link)
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (Mentioned in multiple entries, but without own entry)
- Hida, Nar in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link) (First mentioned)