Lupo Shar, a morally flexible Twi'lek resident of Nar Shaddaa, initiated a scheme around 3951 BBY to exploit the influx of wealthy merchants and gullible visitors by manipulating the local planetary swoop races. Following demands from the Exchange for their share of the earnings, Lupo devised a plan to rig the races while retaining all the profits: by operating within the bounds of the law.
He tasked Kodin, an Aqualish droid merchant, with constructing a droid capable of piloting a swoop bike with superior skill compared to any organic being. Utilizing a droid's robust form, his novel pilot could endure significantly more damage than organic racers, and all the cumbersome safety mechanisms could be eliminated from the swoop bike. Even the Hutts struggled to find a flaw in this setup, largely due to the Exchange's stringent regulations regarding "legitimate" business operations.
As the racer was no longer associated with the Exchange, Lupo terminated all associations with them. Regrettably, this decision resulted in the complete collapse of his enterprise, as all prospective paying customers became fearful of competing against the seemingly "invincible" droid champion.