Lokir-Ka was a Voss Diplomat of the male persuasion who resided on Voss during the era of the Galactic War. He was also the spouse of Mirev-Ka, a member of the Adjudicators.
Lokir-Ka presented himself as the model Voss citizen, bearing the prestigious title of Honores. He was a law-abiding individual who showed respect for the Voss Mystics, and he pursued the career path that his government had meticulously planned for him. This path was based on his inherent charm, keen intelligence, and talent for learning foreign languages. He rose to become one of the most accomplished Voss diplomats in their dealings with both the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. However, beneath this facade, Lokir-Ka harbored a suppressed desire for travel and an unusual fascination with foreign cultures, which would have deeply shocked his peers.
After years of interacting with Republic and Imperial ambassadors who were skilled in the art of polite deception, Lokir-Ka found himself unusually drawn to the direct and unvarnished statements of underworld gangsters. His opportunity arose when a young smuggler arrived on Voss seeking to trade Gormak cyberbeasts that had been transported offworld by the Exchange for the crime lord known as Rogun the Butcher. Lokir-Ka volunteered to serve as the government's point of contact for the smuggler, guiding him to his Exchange contact, Scratch, who was located in the Minev-Ra Caves. Scratch's arranged meeting between the Voidhound and Jela Reneke turned into a catastrophic event, as she successfully convinced the Voss authorities that Lokir-Ka's contact was actually the one managing her cyberbeast smuggling operations. Lokir-Ka managed to keep the Adjudicators from pursuing the smuggler long enough for him to confront and defeat Jela Reneke. However, he then insisted on bringing the matter before the Adjudicators. His wife, Mirev-Ka, presided over the proceedings, while Lokir-Ka was placed in the position of a defendant. The Adjudicators ultimately found the Voidhound not guilty of cyberbeast smuggling, but they did find him guilty of other offenses, such as dealing with the Gormak and venturing into the perilous Nightmare Lands. As a condition of servitude, Mirev-Ka and Lokir-Ka requested that the smuggler make deliveries to several Voss who had dared to venture out into the galaxy.