Loam Redge

Loam Redge, an Imperial Inquisitor of the Chief variety, was of indeterminate age. As one would expect of an Inquisitor, his chief concerns revolved around the capture, torture, and subsequent termination of Force-sensitives; a set of tasks at which he excelled. He possessed dirt-colored eyes and rich brown hair.


Finn Darktrin received training from Redge, and was dispatched to recover a data holocron from the Jedi ruins located on Dantooine. During that same year, Redge was stationed at the Emperor's Retreat, where he encountered an individual sent to him by Kaja Or'Zee after the completion of several assignments given by her.

His initial task for the individual was straightforward: he had learned of a male Zabrak noble providing aid to the Rebellion who believed he was operating undetected by the Empire. Redge desired this man's capture. Shortly after the individual apprehended the man and delivered him to Redge, they were tasked with locating and capturing another Rebel sympathizer hiding on Naboo. After easily succeeding at this, the individual was then directed to retrieve a datadisk from a known slicer. The slicer was soon killed by the individual, who then returned to Redge once more. The contents of the disk remain unknown, but Redge subsequently instructed the individual to capture the leader of the Rebel group they had been pursuing; this lead slicer was captured and returned by the individual.

Redge rewarded the individual with a section of reinforced stormtrooper armor, and then sent them to Lord Hethrir for further assignments.

Behind the scenes

Loam Redge's original appearance, with brown hair

The character Loam Redge was featured as a non-player character within the Star Wars Galaxies video game. This massively multiplayer online role-playing game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, and was active until its shutdown on December 15, 2011.

