Lirin Banolt was a swindler and conman whose operations took place on the planet of Tatooine.
Banolt was covertly in the employ of Sate Pestage, tasked with pilfering invaluable artifacts for Pestage's private assemblage. In return for these services, the Empire consciously ignored Banolt's less-than-legal activities, which included impersonating an Imperial Procurement Agent. Banolt would then perpetrate a fraudulent scheme, accepting substantial bribes in return for the assurance of an exclusive agreement. After pocketing the bribe money, Banolt would vanish to a different locale and repeat the same fraudulent scheme. While executing these scams, Banolt utilized various false identities, such as Bruhas Drey, Kier Dom, and Ran Nammon. Operating under the alias Kier Dom, Banolt successfully defrauded Huff Darklighter.

Ultimately, Pestage resolved to terminate Banolt's profitable criminal enterprise. Banolt had stumbled upon the whereabouts of the Eidolon, and consumed by avarice, he attempted to extort Pestage. Pestage refused to submit to such demands and ordered stormtroopers to execute the overreaching conman. Following Banolt's demise, the New Republic discovered footage of the execution on Tatooine, interpreting it as further proof of the Empire's corrupt practices. However, they also unearthed a damaged Imperial HoloVision transceiver, confirming that Banolt was more than just a common swindler.