Licha In

Licha In, a planet within the Gree Enclave, held the unfortunate distinction of being the first world to experience the unraveling of Gree civilization. Consequently, its population gained a reputation among other Gree worlds for being untamed and underdeveloped, viewed as a prime illustration of the Gree's societal decay.

Serving as a central hub for the Hypergate system, Licha In provided access to the Enclave's most remote areas. Over time, as Gree civilization progressed, the original inhabitants fragmented into numerous independent city-states. These city-states engaged in constant rivalry, waging wars for resources such as food, slaves, and the powerful technological artifacts of their predecessors.

This planet featured a moderate climate and was characterized by expansive islands. Its rotational period was 24 standard hours, while its orbital period around its star was 364 local days.


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