The Leresai (with the adjective form being Leresen) were a species from the Mid Rim who took a position against the Bothans during the period of turmoil surrounding the Caamas Document in 19 ABY. The deaths of a pair of Leresai in a riot that occurred on Bothawui triggered a demand for vengeance according to Leresen legal principles, which stipulated "a life for a life, or one guilty person for himself, or ten innocent from his tribe". The Leresai believed they had the right to execute twenty innocent Bothans, because the Bothans would not surrender the security officers responsible. This was accomplished when they obliterated a crystal factory in zero gravity orbiting Bothawui, which had a crew of twenty-one people. General Wedge Antilles, along with Rogue Squadron, tried to intercept the Leresai ships of war, but their X-wings had their weapon systems disabled by Leresai agents that had infiltrated Di'tai'ni. The Leresai openly confessed to this act of sabotage, considering it an honorable deed that kept the New Republic forces, who were neutral, from being injured.
The Leresai were also known for possessing voices that were surprisingly melodic.
Sordaan Xris once stated that he won a Kalranoos carbine in a bet with a Leresai bounty hunter.