LEGO Star Wars: The Padawan Menace constitutes a thirty-minute LEGO-themed non-canon television special constructed from the well-known building bricks. Its initial broadcast occurred on the Cartoon Network television network on July 22 of 2011. Subsequently, it was made available on both Blu-ray and DVD formats on September 16 of 2011.

Yoda, the esteemed Grand Master, returns to Coruscant from the Outer Rim alongside a class of Younglings embarking on an educational excursion. They proceed to the Senate Building for a guided tour, with C-3PO and R2-D2 acting as their escorts. As they enter, a young child, having secretly escaped an orphanage by stowing away in a crate, emerges and joins the tour group. Simultaneously, Asajj Ventress is present in the Senate Building, having just pilfered confidential battle strategies with the intention of handing them over to Palpatine to strategize an assault on Coruscant.
During the tour, the young child, now identified as "Ian," instigates mischief, prompting C-3PO, R2-D2, and the younglings to flee into outer space, where they inadvertently become embroiled in a conflict between the Republic and Confederate forces. While evading destruction, they unintentionally find themselves aboard Obi-Wan's Hyperdrive docking ring, which transports them to Tatooine. Concurrently, Yoda and Commander Cody engage Ventress and a small detachment of battle droids in combat. Ventress is apprehended, but a battle droid manages to escape with the plans, leading Yoda and Cody to give chase. In space, it becomes apparent that Ian had secretly boarded Yoda and Cody's vessel. The droid ship is traced to Hoth, where Yoda and Ian pursue the plans. Amidst the frigid conditions, they discover a Tauntaun for shelter, where they encounter the battle droid in possession of the plans. After retrieving the plans, they face an attack by droidekas but successfully evade them with the plans following a brief skirmish.
On Tatooine, C-3PO, R2-D2, and the remaining younglings seek a means of transportation off-planet and back to Coruscant, as their ship was pilfered by Jawas while 3PO was distracted. Upon arriving at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, C-3PO covertly enters, disguised in a cloak to conceal his droid identity, in hopes of finding a ride. Meanwhile, the younglings are mistaken for the cantina's musical ensemble. When C-3PO's true nature is revealed, the group is captured and delivered to Jabba the Hutt, where the younglings are confined to cages, and C-3PO is compelled to battle R2-D2 for Jabba's amusement. With encouragement from the younglings (and the application of a few mind tricks), the two droids assist in liberating the children and attempt to flee Jabba's custody. However, their escape is thwarted by the Rancor. Shortly thereafter, they are rescued by Ian and Yoda.
Everyone arrives safely on Coruscant, where they are celebrated for their bravery. Later, it is disclosed that Ian's full name is Solo and that the "H" on his name tag was oriented sideways, indicating that he is, in fact, Han Solo.
- A number of allusions to the real Star Wars universe are present, including references to George Lucas; the portrayal of Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader as separate entities; and the existence of the Star Wars Name Generator application.
- In a scene where C-3PO attempts to enter Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina with R2-D2, R2 projects a hologram clip taken directly from Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope, showing Luke being informed that 3PO and R2 must remain outside.
- During the Clone Wars battle sequence, there are appearances of Imperial TIE/LN starfighters and Imperial-class Star Destroyers.