Laird Gustavu

Laird Gustavu held the position of Moff governing the Tapani sector throughout the era of Imperial dominion. He was approaching sixty years of age.


Procopia was the location of Gustavu's estate. Unusually, he was among the few Imperial figures in the Tapani sector with influence on Coruscant who wasn't originally from the sector. He possessed the authority to directly challenge any of the noble houses. However, as he approached retirement, he rarely utilized this authority, becoming known more for administrative tasks and avoiding aggressive enforcement of Imperial control within the sector.

Gustavu was seen as a capable leader, but his achievements were often attributed to his strategy of employing skilled individuals and then taking credit for their accomplishments. Furthermore, he typically found himself assigned to planets where the Empire faced minimal resistance from the local population, avoiding conflicts with the inhabitants.


Even in favorable circumstances, Gustavu exhibited a consistently gloomy and pessimistic outlook. His hobby was collecting and restoring antique pistols, amassing a collection of over two thousand, which were showcased in a dedicated section of his palace. Gustavu found pleasure in attending festive events and taking holidays on the planet Vycinyth.


  • Lords of the Expanse (First mentioned)
