
The Krozurbians, hailing from the Krozurbia system close to the Centrality, were a sentient species distinguished by their green skin. They once found themselves embroiled in a two-century-long war amongst themselves. This conflict reached its conclusion thanks to the actions of Zorneth, an Ithorian scientist who provided the Krozurbian War Council with thookahs that had been fed savorium. Savorium, a substance inducing a state of peaceful euphoria, had a transformative effect when consumed. Specifically, the Krozurbian War Council consumed steaks made from these thookahs, and this led them to embrace peace and put an end to their war.

Biology and appearance

Green skin was a defining characteristic of the sentient species known as the Krozurbians. A prominent snout, featuring a corrugated bridge, dominated the Krozurbian head. Revealing their carnivorous nature, their expressive mouth displayed two large, white canine teeth on both the upper and lower jaws. The snout curved back towards two beady eyes, typically white or red with black pupils. Recessed beneath a heavy brow, their eyes were further distinguished by a bony growth on either side of their snouts, located partway towards the back of their heads. Running along the top of their heads and down their spines was a series of blue scales. As bipedal creatures, Krozurbians possessed hands with three fingers and an opposable thumb, while their feet were equipped with two large toes.

Society and culture

Krozurbians adorned themselves with various articles of attire, including trousers, tunics featuring piped shoulders, and gloves. For their feet, they utilized cloth wrappings around their lower legs. Further enhancing their appearance were accessories such as bandoliers, utility belts equipped with numerous pouches, and blaster holsters.


The Krozurbian War Council embraces peace

The Krozurbia system served as the native home of the Krozurbians. This system resided within the Shadola sector, a region of the Outer Rim Territories situated just north of the Centrality. Approximately around 206 BBY, the Krozurbians descended into internecine warfare.

This state of conflict persisted for a duration of two centuries, until the Krozurbian War Council partook of thookah-steaks, which were prepared using thookahs raised under the care of Zorneth, the Ithorian scientist. Zorneth had previously collaborated with Klorr Vilia, a botanist, during the latter's discovery of the savorium herb, a substance known to induce a state of pacifistic rapture in those who consumed it. Following Vilia's accidental exposure to the drug's effects, Zorneth continued research on the herb. The Ithorian administered savorium to thookahs, resulting in the animals' meat producing the same euphoric effect as the herb itself upon consumption. Zorneth's initial herd of savorium-fed thookahs was sold at a loss to a Krozurbian buyer at market, purportedly to facilitate a swift departure. The meat derived from these thookahs was ultimately transformed into thookah-steaks, which were then provided to the Krozurbian War Council, bringing about a significant shift in the species' trajectory: the War Council embraced peace, thereby concluding their seemingly endless conflict.

Behind the scenes

Jan Strnad conceived the Krozurbians for his comic book series, Star Wars Droids: Season of Revolt, which was published by Dark Horse Comics in 1995. Bill Hughes provided the illustrations. An unnamed merchant made an appearance in issue 1, before the species' name and history were more fully developed in a flashback panel in issue 4. Their home system was subsequently incorporated and positioned within The Essential Atlas.

