
Kromol existed as the fifth planet within the Kro'eval system, as documented. It was mostly empty, lacking any sentient life forms. On the other hand, Kromus, the planet positioned fourth in the same system, was home to a population of 1.3 billion. During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems utilized it as the location for their Starkiller superweapon installation.

The Galactic Republic possessed records where data concerning Kromol and Kromus had been interchanged. This caused the Republic to incorrectly assume that the Starkiller was under construction on a world without inhabitants. This mistake, likely orchestrated by Darth Sidious, resulted in the planning of the Battle of Kromus around an orbital strike, which ultimately annihilated all life on Kromus.

Behind the scenes

Because the data was switched, it remains somewhat unclear which names correctly correspond to the fourth and fifth planets of the Kro'eval system. The fourth planet is most often called "Kromus," so this article proceeds on the assumption that "Kromol" is the correct designation for the fifth planet. However, Jedi General Darrus Jeht later refers to the destroyed fourth planet as "Kromol," suggesting that the names might have been accidentally reversed.

